Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Like To Run

Why do I run?

I run to clear my mind.  I run to think.  I run to listen to music.  I run to be healthier.  I run because it's fun.  I run because it's difficult.

I guess the number one reason I run is because I want to.  It's never easy and there are sometimes aches and pains.  Sometimes my lungs can't sustain a long run.  Sometimes my legs can't sustain a long run.  It's okay if I can't run forever and ever and it's okay if I stop during a run.  I'm not a professional athlete or a very good runner, but you could call me the king of stop and go.  I run until I can't muster any more strength.  Then I stop and walk.  Then after I've gotten enough wind back, I get back to running.  This practice goes on and on until it's time for me to get back home.  I don't track how long I run or how far I go, at least not always, and that's okay too.

I'm comfortable with running.  I understand that it's something that I want to do and not something I need to do to prevent my heavier days.  Yes I'm tall, but it doesn't mean that 285lbs is good for a tall person.  Well, maybe if you are a defensive end for the NFL.  It's been a while since I was that lazy and chose to eat an unhealthy diet at all hours of the night.  I'm definitely not perfect, but I've changed some things over the past few years.  I want to do everything I can to be here as long as I can for my family, which is about to be a plus one at the dinner table soon.  That's a pretty good reason to keep up with moderation.  Now don't get me wrong, I love ice cream.  And when I say ice cream, I mean it's the only reason I want to eat cake, cookies, or brownies.  There needs to be some ice cream on top.  And yes, some might say that I go overboard when I do eat ice cream.  I'm working on that.

Back to running.  I like the feeling you get a few hours after running.  My lungs feel relaxed.  My body feels relaxed.  I feel happy that I've gone for a run.  It's the small things, but it doesn't take much to please this cat.  I want to be healthy when I can, splurge on ice cream when I can (in moderation of course), and just run when I can.  I don't have a perfect system, but I feel happy with the decisions I've made with food and exercise.  I'm happy that my wife and I both make good decisions with food and exercise.  We go for walks when we can and she goes to pregnancy yoga and I run.  I'll sometimes get on an elliptical machine to spare my knees, but it's definitely not the same.  The freedom to just run and put myself on cruise control is splendid.  I listen to some great tunes, zone out (with the exception of checking for traffic), and just keep going until it's time for me to get back home.

I guess I could've just said I like to run and maybe that would explain it just as well as what I just blabbered on about.  Maybe I could've explained it in four easy words.  Perhaps there isn't any need to explain the simplicity of it all and why something so simple can make a person happy.  I guess I can give it a shot.

I like to run.


  1. I know what you mean about the joy of running, except for me, its martial arts. Doing my forms and twirling my bo staff is relaxing and makes me feel good afterward. Sometimes it helps with my writing, a definite plus.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I definitely agree about the writing. I'll sometimes start thinking of things to add to my current book-in-progress or other stories that I want to write.
