Where does inspiration come from? What drives us to put pen to paper, create equipment being sent up to space, illustrate colorful or gritty images for comic books, mentor or lead a local theatre, or express ourselves because we feel comfortable, at peace, safe?
As a sometimes neurotic, introverted individual, my path to success sometimes finds itself in unconventional or geeky ways. Writing is a passion that can’t be quenched with finishing a story, and the ideas always have to be jotted down – even if it means sending myself an email with notes of what I will write, someday. My most open, extroverted period seemed to peak during my college years – as I challenged myself to become a Communication major, because, hey, why shouldn’t the quiet guy who was always told to “speak up” not want to do that. I branched out, extended beyond my comfort level to a degree, and then the best moment of my life happened – meeting the love of my life – a person who accepted all of my little idiosyncrasies and loves me just the same. This is Level 1 – the base or start to any game where you have all that you need to proceed. I honestly don’t know how I reached, or captured, this level and I can’t contemplate how I did anything before her.
Level 2 was having the freedom, giving myself permission to admit, that I want to write for a living. As soon as it happened. I plunged into years surrounded by reading and writing, much ado about dystopian fiction, and the world seemed a little clearer. My grasp on the craft continued to evolve as I etched short stories into my skin and pulled poetic younger years from my soul.
Level 3 – my children. “Game over, man. Game over.” There isn’t a need to reach another level, right? All that life has to offer is there, and it’s the most wonderful experience anyone can never fully realize until it happens. There are magical stories from Disney and Marvel’s Avengers, and an assortment of superhero toys and puzzles. My geeky influence spills over into their worlds, and it feels perfect. Seeing them take joy in the things I take joy in is wonderful, and it’s even better when they decide on their own who they want to be. Early on, it was, “I’m Super Woman!” for both my daughter and son – and watching them run around with a cape and a mask always made the day better.
How do I reach beyond a level I don’t necessarily see a need to exceed?
When dreams become necessary to fulfill, to not only satisfy my own desires, but to show my children it is always okay to go for what you want. The adventure of finding full-time writing has landed me in a special place. It’s a part-time gig, and the most professionally satisfying thing I’ve ever experienced, and the dream doesn’t stop. It grows. The experience continues to move, mold, and restructure itself as I push myself beyond my regular sleep hours to write and write and write. And before I knew it, I had reached Level 4 – and I am truly happy about it.
Level 4 is Fanbase Press. Leveling up through the “Fanbase” has been extraordinary as I’ve reviewed comic books, created a featured series, and interacted with those in and around the Fanbase Press family. The leaders running the organization are Barbra and Bryant Dillon, and their desire to support people’s fandoms, while creating new ones and making sure it’s an environment for anyone to want to join or share – and keeping true to the wonderful notion of building people up and sharing their dreams. Their endless workload and compassionate devotion to their geeky friends led my desire to do more for them, leading to the Geeky Parent Guide.
It’s been close to a year and a half with Fanbase Press, and it’s been an exhilarating experience. How does it feel to be a part of such an organization that only makes you want to do more and more, and never feel like you’re doing enough because you want to do more?
It is amazing. I am a part of something that can be bigger and brighter than any of my dreams ever could’ve imagined. Geeky Parent Guide will reach its one-year anniversary in April, I still continue to write reviews and editorials, and I’ve contributed to a few feature podcast episodes of The Fanbase Weekly. Being a part of a support system that encourages growth and heartfelt communication, I encourage everyone to explore Fanbase Press. If you’re looking for support, or simply want a community that will accept you for you and love watching you build your own geeky empire – then go to fanbasepress.com.
If you find them on Twitter, share your geeky endeavors or your favorite geeky things, and then tag your post with #EmbracetheFanbase. It’s an honor to be able to be involved with this organization and as a staffer, and friend, it’s important for me to share how I’ve leveled up by being a part of Fanbase Press. And by sharing, hopefully it will continue a path of breaking out of my shell and exploring where the Fanbase will take me and where I can help take the Fanbase.
Embrace the Fanbase, and level up. I wonder if Level 5 is in my future.
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